Faith Commitments
(comprised of first-time decisions and recommitments)
Individuals presented with the Gospel
First-time Faith Commitments
Bibles given out
Leaders Trained

2024 has been an amazing year for Youth Alive Victoria, with our movement reaching tens of thousands of teenagers through evangelistic outreach events, partnering alongside Youth Ministries across the state to see young leaders trained and resourced for the delivery of the gospel.
Throughout this year, we have seen continued growth, engagement, and sustained effectiveness throughout our organisation. We are pleased to have seen our annual state rally, Main Event, move into a larger venue, resulting in one of the biggest responses to the gospel we have seen at this event. We have also seen sustained growth through our Youth Alive Academy Bible College, and exceptional regional engagement through our UNDIVIDED youth events. In addition, our Young Adults event, YAYA, moved into a larger venue and achieved its greatest turnout to date, setting the tone for further growth in the years to come.
We are so proud to have seen youth pastors and leaders across the state take steps forward through this ministry, reaching more young people than ever before and inspiring a greater vision for the future.
As you read below, we pray that you'll be encouraged by all that we have seen in 2024!
We'd like to thank our amazing volunteers and staff who contribute much of their time, skill, and energy to seeing this space continue to grow, our financial supporters who have enabled so many of the lives reached, and pastors across Victoria who are investing in young people. Together, we share a vision of reaching young people with the message of Jesus, and together we are laying the foundation for the best season of youth ministry in the State of Victoria in the years ahead.
Dave & Ailen Edgar.

Reach young people with Gospel
Raise up young leaders
Resource local churches to reach youth more effectively
Revive a generation through the things of God
Ultimately, we exist to help future-proof the Church by offering development pathways for young leaders and creating environments where young people can be led to Christ.

presented with the gospel
Faith commitments
(comprised of first-time decisions & recommitments)
faith commitmEnts
bibles given out
Youth ministries represented

In 2024, Youth Alive Victoria has provided access to the Gospel for teenagers in Regional Victoria.
We are committed to serving ministries in regional areas. Recent ABS data shows that 23% of Victorians live in regional areas. We are proud to report that 29.3% of our audience resides in Regional Victoria.

Main Event saw another year of growth, with the move to a larger venue. Even with greater capacity, the event sold out in under 7 hours as youth ministries from across Victoria rallied behind the event.

6,857 Attended
1,472 Faith Commitments
(comprised of first-time decisions & recommitments)

21 Locations
197 Churches Represented

In the week leading up to the Youth Alive Main Event, our team visited a number of schools throughout the State. The Schools Tour featured artists and speakers from across Australia.
48 High schools
20 school sessions in one week
28 school chapels through the year
12,000 Students

Summer Bash
Supported a Youth Ministry running a summer themed outreach event. Saw 44 young people make faith commitments.

YTHFEST saw 258 young people attend an evangelistic event focusing on reaching the asian church community in Melbourne. Over 100 young people made a decision to follow Jesus.

We provided a grant to a Youth Ministry running an outdoor Christmas Party festival that saw 667 young people attend and 35 make faith commitments; 12 for the first time!

Dreamers night
Helped a Youth Ministry run an outreach night, featuring e-sports, food and an evangelistic message. They had 7 teenagers attend for the first time, all making a faith commitment!
15 Initiatives funded for a
total of $34,750
370 Faith Commitments

The Youth Ministry Evangelism Fund is an initiative of Youth Alive Victoria to help fund the vision of Local Youth Ministries to host evangelistic events & programs.

52 Students
3 Locations
Bendigo. Geelong. Melbourne.
Heading into 2025 we are excited about the prospect of launching additional regional locations.

98 Churches Represented
188 Faith Commitments
1,600 in attendance

2024 saw our biggest Youth Alive Young Adults event yet!
1,600 young adults from across Victoria gathered at Festival Hall for worship, led by Jonathan Douglass (Hillsong UNITED) and a message from Ps. Russell Johnson (The Pursuit, NW).

Youth Alive Victoria is governed by a board of industry leaders, committed to safe church practices and representing Christ through healthy governance.

Youth Alive Victoria is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and is fully compliant with the requirements of registration.
ABN: 57 229 101 200
Youth Alive Victoria Inc.
ABN: 16 488 644 687
Youth Alive (VIC) Cultural Trust
Youth Alive (Vic) Cultural Trust is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) for tax-deductible donations.

New Board Chair Appointment
George Kanagasabai
We are excited to announce the appointment of George Kanagasabai as the new board chairperson for Youth Alive Victoria. George has previously held Executive positions within Bunnings, working with over 50,000 team members and is now, together with his wife, Christina, serving as the Senior Pastor at Transformation Church.

Youth Pastors Brunch
46 Female Pastors and Leaders Trained
and 23 different churches represented.
Trained 355 Youth Pastors, Leaders, Team Members, and aspiring leaders from 97 churches.
Pastors & Leaders brunch
138 Pastors and Leaders gathered from across Victoria for connection and encouragement from Ps. Matt Heins (ACC Vic State President).

2,000 Bibles Given Out
Bibles are a key component of our salvation response moments. It is an honour to give Bibles to teenagers who don't have one.
This year, across the nation Bible Society Australia has seen 20,000 'Read This' Bibles distributed predominantly to new believers.

In partnership with Bible Society Australia, we have developed the 'Read this.' Bible specifically for Australian Teenagers. These are available for purchase to use within your youth ministry in boxes of 20 for $200 ($10 per Bible).

To every donor, church, pastor, leader and most of all God.

Since 1982 Youth Alive has seen 343,077 young people respond to the Gospel throughout Australia with 77,052 in Victoria alone.

We are passionate about sharing the Gospel clearly, and raising up the next generation of evangelists in Victoria. We have developed “The Brief”, a succinct guideline that provides speakers with a summary of what we have learned about sharing an effective Gospel Message.
We have also started an initiative to train next generation evangelists by formally meeting for training and development with a group of 10 male and female youth pastors.

Youth Alive Victoria is committed to seeing Young People introduced to Jesus, but also to seeing good follow-up occur through partnering local youth ministry with Alpha Youth.

894 Young People
Connected to Alpha Youth
Through UNDIVIDED + Main Event Afterparties
and Evangelism Fund Projects