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About Youth Alive

Youth Alive is a Christian organisation that operates in every state in Australia. The concept for Youth Alive was formed in 1982 at a camp in Victoria. It was birthed out of a genuine concern and passion for reaching young Australians with a positive message. This concern was being felt in a similar fashion in every other state, and in June 1986, youth leaders from around the nation met in Melbourne to discuss plans to make an impact on this issue. Out of this meeting Youth Alive was formed with its first national director, Mal Fletcher. Not a week goes by without the media reporting appalling statistics regarding the youth crisis within Australia today. It’s statistics like these that drive the heart of every member of Youth Alive. Our young people are the future of our nation and we believe that this is a future worth living. Therefore, it is our purpose to bring a message of hope and encouragement to those in need, and then go beyond this by providing genuine support through local youth groups in helping teenagers realise their potential



A generation for Jesus


Up effective youth leaders


Youth ministries to grow and thrive


A generation of young people

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Dave & Ailen Edgar

Pastor Dave and Ailen Edgar have been passionately leading Youth Alive Victoria since 2016, seeing scores of teenagers positively impacted through the life-transforming power of the gospel. Formerly youth pastors at Faith Church Melbourne, Pastor Dave and Ailen bring their ministry experience into the Youth Alive sphere and are wholly committed to equipping, empowering and encouraging young leaders to become effective disciples within their local church.

Ps Dave's testimony of the power of God amid moments of tragedy has been shared across a multitude of networks and countries, depositing seeds of faith in youth ministries, churches, schools and leaders. Dave's desire for people to experience freedom in Christ partnered with sound biblical doctrine has formed years of powerful ministry moments and leadership teachings.

Ps Ailen is passionate about empowering young people to step into their God-given calling, equipping leaders to minister effectively in whatever environment they step into. Ailen carries a burning heart to see the next generation of teenagers, church planters and business practitioners form a growing relationship with God.

To request a ministry booking with Dave or Ailen please fill out the below booking request & to stay up to date with their movements follow them on Instagram: @dedgar @ailen

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